We are students all our lives

​SPUD.inc's objective is to introduce mindful thinking and decision making to youth of all likes. We look at the word "at risk" towards all youth. From the straight A student down to the kid in family court, the wrong decision can be the fine line of separation. So we use music as a pipe line of communication. We allow the youth to express themselves, their lives, their story, their situation, their goals and we act as guides rather than "finger pointing" adults. This molds self awareness and strong character building which highlights self awareness which detours them from gang active, drug abuse, and violence.
The youth are our future, so lets look after whats to come.

Eric SPUD Campbell, Founder
class room settings

Binghamton, NY
lake Placid, NY
Bronx, NY
Tech International Charter

Brooklyn, NY
P.S 106 Pre. K
Lake Placid
Public Speech
Manhattan, NY